DVTI Interpreter Training
This workshop provides trauma-informed training and resources for interpreters to work effectively in in domestic violence and sexual assault (DVSA) settings. This course is worth 0.8 PPO CEUs.
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Knowledge check - ThinkSelf
Purpose of This Training & Topics Covered
Video: Trauma and the Brain
Trauma and Complex Trauma: An Overview
Trauma and the Brain: Check for Understanding
Video: Language Deprivation in Adults
READING: NAD Technical Paper: "Implications of Language Deprivation for Young Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing Children"
DVSA Vocabulary & Terminology
Knowledge check: DVSA ASL Vocabulary
Domestic and Sexual Violence Basics
1 in 6: Survivors of Sexual Trauma Reveal an Important Truth
Reflection Question: 1 in 6
Your Best Guess
Assignment: Reflect on Survivor Advocacy and Victim Rights Websites
Visit Website: Me Too Movement
Visit Website: Break the Silence
Reflection: Survivor Advocacy Websites
Victim Services Overview
Minnesota Crime Victim Rights
Victim or Survivor: Terminology from Investigation Through Prosecution
Visit Website: The Deaf Hotline
Reminder Confidentiality Agreement
Benefits? Not For Us
Reflection Question: Benefits? Not For Us
Victim Service Overview - Centering Survivors
Interpreting Processes
Activity: Practice Interpreting (voice to ASL)
Reflection Question: Kilomarie
Activity: Practice Interpreting (ASL to voice or ASL to voicing "team")
Reflection Question: Hazel
Strategies for Clarification
Reflection: Summarize or Interrupt?
Mitigating Vicarious Trauma & Building Resilience
Assignment: Engage in ProQOL Activities
The ProQOL Measure
ProQOL Self Care Tools
RESOURCE: Self Care Planner
RESOURCE: Vicarious Trauma Resource Booklet
References and Resources
Before you go...